@article{oai:shiga-med.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000073, author = {内藤, 弘之 and NAITO, Hiroyuki and 小玉, 正智 and KODAMA, Masashi and 川口, 晃 and KAWAGUCHI, Akira and 目片, 英治 and MEKATA, Eiji and 田村, 祐樹 and TAMURA, Hiroki and 村田, 聡 and MURATA, Satoshi and 谷, 徹 and TANI, Tohru and 小山, 茂樹 and KOYAMA, Shigeki and 馬場, 忠雄 and BAMBA, tadao and 岡部, 英俊 and OKABE, Hidetoshi and 柴田, 純祐 and SHIBATA, Junsuke}, journal = {滋賀医科大学雑誌}, month = {Feb}, note = {We studied clinicopathological characteristics of 760 cases of gastric cancer. Distal, proximal and totalgastrectomy were done in 459, 63, and 229 cases respectively. We have performed ileocolon interpositionas a gastric substitution in 34 cases. The five year survival of resected gastric cancer cases was 62.6%. Elevatedmucosal cancers less than 2 cm and ulcerative types less than 1 cm had no lymph node involvement.The prognosis of the cases whose depth of invasion were se(serosa exposed) or si(serosa infiltrating) was verypoor. The cases of n 3 or n 4 in lymph node involvement disclosed also poor prognosis.}, pages = {21--27}, title = {胃癌切除例の臨床病理学的検討}, volume = {15}, year = {2000}, yomi = {ナイトウ, ヒロユキ and コダマ, マサシ and カワグチ, アキラ and メカタ, エイジ and タムラ, ヒロキ and ムラタ, サトシ and タニ, トオル and コヤマ, シゲキ and バンバ, タダオ and オカベ, ヒデトシ and シバタ, ジュンスケ} }