@article{oai:shiga-med.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004418, author = {NAITO, Hiroyuki and KODAMA, Sota and YAGI, Toshikazu and KIDA, Atsushi and KURUMI, Yoshimasa and 内藤, 弘之 and 児玉, 創太 and 八木, 俊和 and 木田, 睦士 and 来見, 良誠}, issue = {1}, journal = {滋賀医科大学雑誌}, month = {Feb}, note = {症例は45歳、女性。深夜に突然、左下腹部痛を認め近医受診し、当院紹介となった。造影CTを行ったところ、腹水および小腸ループの拡張が認められた。絞扼性腸閉塞の診断のもと、緊急手術を施行した。腹腔鏡下に腹腔内を観察すると、血性腹水を認め、S状結腸間膜に直径約3cmの異常裂孔が存在し、小腸が貫通して脱出しており、S状結腸間膜裂孔ヘルニアによる腸閉塞と診断した。小腸の整復は比較的容易で、小腸の色調も問題なく、腸切除をすることなく裂孔を体内結紮縫合閉鎖し手術を終了した。術後経過は良好で、術後5日目に退院となった。, A 45-year-old woman admitted with left abdominal pain. Abdominal computed tomography revealed ascites and mechanical obstruction of small intestine. Urgent laparoscopic surgery was performed. Laparoscopy showed bloody ascites and an oval hernial orifice about 3 cm diameter in the mesentery of sigmoid colon. Small intestine invaginated through this orifice. The reduction in small intestine was easy relatively, and the color tone of the small intestine was also no problem. Intraabdominal ligation suture closes this hiatus, and an operation has been ended without resection of small intestine. This patient had a good clinical course and was discharged 5 days after operation.}, pages = {20--23}, title = {腹腔鏡手術下に整復したS状結腸間膜裂孔ヘルニアの1例}, volume = {36}, year = {2023} }