@article{oai:shiga-med.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004003, author = {中田, ゆかり and 村上, 純一 and KADOTANI, Hiroshi and 角谷, 寛 and 松尾, 雅博 and 伊藤, 裕康 and 山田, 尚登 and NAKADA, Yukari and MURAKAMI, Junichi and KADOTANI, Hiroshi and 角谷, 寛 and MATSUO, Masahiro and ITOU, Hiroyasu and YAMADA, Naoto}, issue = {2}, journal = {睡眠口腔医学, Journal of Oral and Sleep Medicine}, month = {Apr}, note = {Objective: Shift work is reported to increase risk for various health problems inclusing depression. The purposes of this study are to analyze whether working schedule (day work vs. shift work) may affect depressive symptoms., Methods: To examine these, we performed a cross-sectional study using questionnaires in a pharmaceutical company in Japan (n=1,893). We extracted data from the intranet databese of the employee including age, sex, type of job, work schedule (day work/shift work, average overtime hours per one month), sleep duration, drinking frequency, current smoking, exercise habits, and depressive symptoms. Depressive symptoms were assessed using the Patient Health Questionnarie- (PHQ-2)., Results: The number of dytime workers and shift workers were 1,684(89.0%) and 209(11.0%), respectively. Multiple logistic regressin analysis revealed that shift work (odds ratio=2.01, 95% confidence intervals: 1.45-2.79, p<0.0001), long workig hours (odds ratio=1.40, 95% confidence intervals:1.03-1.89, p=0.03), and short sleep duration (odds ratio=2.01, 95% confidence intervals:1.54-2.63, P<0.0001) were independent risk factors for depressive symptoms., Cinclusions: This stydy revealed that shift work raised the risk of depressive symptoms independent of short sleep duration (<5 hours) and long working hours., 交代勤務と日中勤務の勤務スケジュールの違いがうつ症状に影響を及ぼすか検討するため、製薬企業で質問票調査による横断的研究を行った。従業員1992名(男1443名、女450名、平均39.7際)を対象に、年齢、性別、仕事の種類、仕事のスケジュール(日中勤務/交代勤務、一月あたりの平均残業時間)、睡眠時間、飲酒習慣、最近の喫煙歴、運動習慣と鬱症状を含む従業員のイントラネットデータベースからのデータを抽出した。鬱症状はPatient Health Questionnaire-2(PHQ-2)を用いて評価した。その結果、日中勤務者と交代勤務者の数はそれぞれ1684名と209名であった。多重ロジスティック回帰分析を行ったところ、交代勤務(オッズ比2.01)、労働時間の長さ(オッズ比1.40)、睡眠時間の短さ(オッズ比2.01)が鬱症状の独立危険因子であった。交代勤務は短時間睡眠や長時間労働と関係なく、鬱症状のリスクを上昇させることが示された。, Journal Article}, pages = {133--139}, title = {A cross-sectional study on working hours, sleep duration and depressive symptoms in Japanese shift workers}, volume = {1}, year = {2015}, yomi = {カドタニ, ヒロシ and カドタニ, ヒロシ} }