@article{oai:shiga-med.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003539, author = {今宿, 康彦 and 北川, 裕利}, issue = {1}, journal = {滋賀医科大学雑誌}, month = {May}, note = {急性期医療における気道確保は、基本的医学手技の1つである。特に気管挿管は気道確保のゴールドスタンダードと長年考えられてきた。しかし2013年に院外心肺停止患者においてバッグバルブマスク換気の方が気管挿管を代表とする高度な気道確保よりも予後がよいという論文が発表され我々に衝撃を与えた。その後も様々な議論が現在もなお続いている。  一方で気道確保のデバイスは様々な発展を遂げてきた。一つは声門上器具と言われるデバイスが発展してきたことである。声門上器具は以前には特殊なものという印象があったが、現在は扱いやすいデバイスが次々と登場し広く用いられるに至っている。もう一つの進化は気管挿管におけるデバイスの発展である。小型ビデオカメラシステムを駆使したビデオ喉頭鏡が出現しマッキントッシュ喉頭鏡を用いた直視による気管挿管と比較して挿管手技の確実性をもたらした。  このように気道確保は基本的な医学手技ではあるが、様々な議論があり一方で進化が起こっている。今までの考えにとらわれることなく、それぞれの方法を評価し検討を重ねていく必要がある。, Airway management is one of the basic medical procedures and can be performed manually without any device, with basic air way management devices, such as airway and bag-valve-mask, and with techniques that require advanced skills such as tracheal intubation. Tracheal intubation has long been considered the gold standard of airway management. However, a study in 2013 demonstrated that bag-valve-mask ventilation results in better prognosis than more technically challenging methods, such as tracheal intubation, in patients undergoing out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Since then, there has been ongoing debates about the most optimal airway management procedures.  Various advancements have been made in the development of devices for airway management. For example, there have been significant developments in supraglottic airway devices. Although they were originally considered to be of special use, there are now many devices that are widely applicable and easy to use. Furthermore, devices used in tracheal intubation have also evolved over the years. These newer techniques include the use of video laryngoscopes equipped with advanced and miniaturized video cameras. Collectively, these techniques have improved the accuracy of tracheal intubation procedures.  Although airway management is a basic medical procedure, the techniques continue to evolve and there is still much debate around the procedure. Various techniques should be explored and assessed objectively to determine their usefulness., Departmental Bulletin Paper}, pages = {10--16}, title = {気道確保とデバイス}, volume = {33}, year = {2020} }