@article{oai:shiga-med.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003333, author = {井上, 明星 and 古川, 顕 and 大田, 信一 and 蔦本, 尚慶 and 村田, 喜代史 and INOUE, Akitoshi and FURUKAWA, Akira and OHTA, Shinichi and MOCHIZUKI, Keiko and TSUTAMOTO, Takayoshi and MURATA, Kiyoshi}, issue = {2}, journal = {Japanese Journal of Diagnostic Imaging}, month = {Jul}, note = {pdf, Adhesion resulting from past abdominal surgeries account for the vast majority of small bowel obstruction cases. We report a rare case of strangulated ileal obstruction caused by an appendiceal adhesion to the ileum in which an aperture was formed that permitted herniation of ileal loops. CT demonstrated distended small bowel loops and collapsed cecum and ascending colon, which indicated small bowel obstruction. During laparoscopic surgery, the tip of the appendix was found to adhere to the ileum at 80 cm proximal to the ileo-cecal valve, forming an aperture that permitted herniation of the distal ileum, which resulted in a closed-loop ileal obstruction. Adhesion of the appendix as a cause of bowel obstruction and strangulation is rare, but physicians should be familiar with this pathological condition., 61歳女。57歳時に腹腔鏡下粘膜切除による胃癌切除の病歴がある。下腹部痛を主訴に受診した。腹部造影CTをはじめとする画像検査の結果から腸管ループの形成と腸管ループによる小腸の絞扼を認め、小腸閉塞症と診断した。さらに、追加のCT検査は虫垂先端の回腸への癒着所見を呈し、この癒着が腸管ループ形成の原因と考えられた。癒着剥離とイレウス解除を目的として、腹腔鏡下において癒着部位の切除とイレウス解除術を施術した。患者は術後14日目に問題なく退院した。, Journal Article}, pages = {130--136}, title = {Strangulated small bowel obstruction caused by adhesion of the tip of appendix to the ileum}, volume = {35}, year = {2017} }