@article{oai:shiga-med.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000201, author = {太田, 裕之 and 清水, 智治 and 園田, 寛道 and 植木, 智之 and 三宅, 亨 and 目片, 英治 and 遠藤, 善裕 and 貝田, 佐知子 and 山口, 剛 and 村田, 聡 and 山本, 寛 and 村上, 耕一郎 and 赤堀, 浩也 and 塩見, 尚礼 and 仲, 成幸 and 一瀬, 真澄 and 川崎, 誠康 and 中村, 一郎 and 藤野, 光廣 and 土橋, 洋史 and 宇治, 祥隆 and 安, 炳九 and 池添, 清彦 and 八木, 俊和 and 龍田, 健 and 束田, 宏明 and 井内, 武和 and 神谷, 純広 and 西村, 彰一 and 箙, 洋三 and 長谷川, 均 and 熊野, 公束 and 横田, 徹 and 藤田, 益嗣 and 林, 直樹 and 山口, 智弘 and 飯田, 洋也 and 水野, 文 and 貝塚, 真知子 and 柿原, 直樹 and 佐藤, 浩一郎 and 矢澤, 武史 and 田中, 彰恵 and 小林, 知恵 and 生内, 一夫 and 谷, 眞至}, issue = {1}, journal = {滋賀医科大学雑誌}, month = {Feb}, note = {Departmental Bulletin Paper, Objective: Retrospectively, we evaluated clinical characteristics of Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) after surgery for the gastric and colorectal cancer. Methods: We surveyed the sum total of surgery for the gastric and colorectal cancer and picked out postoperative CDI in the Shiga University of Medical Science Hospital and affiliated hospitals in 2014. Results: The incidence of CDI after surgery for the gastric and colorectal cancer was 1.2%. In the Shiga University of Medical Science Hospital, CDI occurred in 27 inpatients in all wards, two of them affected CDI after gastrointestinal surgery. Conclusions: The incidence of CDI after gastrointestinal surgery in this study was low as well as past reports. In order to perceive precise incidence and clinical influence of CDI, we plan to conduct a perspective clinical trial in cooperation with affiliated hospitals.}, pages = {27--31}, title = {胃癌および大腸癌術後に発症したClostridium difficile感染症の検討 -関連病院におけるアンケート調査の結果から-}, volume = {29}, year = {2016} }